The seawater on the west coast is so clean that you can make food. We typically pick up 1000 liters of seawater, which gives approx. 30 kg of salt.

Throughout the summer we grow a large part of the herbs in our herb garden.

Working with the North Sea is probably the world's most beautiful work.

We use solar heat to upgrade the sea water. We have 79 solar collectors who make hot liquid, the hot fluid runs under our panes, causing the seawater to evaporate

Have salt with herbs, if possible, throw fresh herbs into the sea water. So the herbs will be salted with the sea water.

Come and visit our nice farm shop. We typically have 50-100 different types of salts


Make your herb salt yourself:

Here everyone can mix their own herb salt

Kr. 40, - per bucket

When possible, take fresh herbs from the herb garden

All weekdays


Come and visit our cozy cafe.

In the cafe you can buy coffee, the soda and we would like to serve a good pie.

See how we make the salt:

Sea water is sewn with solar heat,

Price for tour: Med in Entrebilet


Mix your own herb salt yourself

Possibly. with fresh herbs from the herb garden.

every day

           Kr. 40.- per. tub


Every day

Krolf competition

1-4-25 to 1-10-25

The one who comes down on the farthest battles during the summer wins 10 bucket salt

Opening hours:

10,-  17,-

All weekdays

ENTRE: kr. 30, -

  (valid as an annual card)

Visit our farm shop: FREE

Children under 12 FREE.

The ticket applies to ours

Salt Center, so you can see how we make salt.

To Salt Center

To the doll museum

To Krolfbanen

To the garage

Helledivej 9, 9490 Pandrup



Copyright © All Rights Reserved

Foot bath and coffee:

You are very welcome to come and try our bathing salts

Price: Foot bath and coffee

Kr. 50-

Visit our cozy café

All days

Visit our herb garden.

In the herb garden, you can pick herbs to "Mix yourself salt"

Visit the Doll House:

We have 2300 dolls, which are exhibited at changing exhibitions:

Here you also have the opportunity to sell your dolls to other collectors:

See more on Facebook:

The dollhouse at the salt center.

Price: Included in the Entrebilet

Krolf competition:

The one who comes around on our rollercoaster on fewer strokes, from 01-04-2025 to 01-10-2025has the opportunity to win 10 bucket salt.

(any draw)

Price: Included in the Entrebilet

Classic cars:

We have a small hobby workshop where we work with classic cars.

You are very welcome to see.

Price: Included in the Entrebilet

En lille video lavet af Peter Høvring, som viser hvordan vi arbejder.




We now have 2 saltwater baths on a small 1000 liters, which is approx. Salt.

There is room for 2-3 people in each.

Kr. 30, - pr. person.

The temperature is best from over noon, Bath is winter losed


Vestkystens Saltcenter

Helledivej 9

9490 Pandrup


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